Sutton – Abercorn
Less than a hundred kilometers from Montreal, along the American border, in the Eastern Townships, in the tourist region of the Eastern Townships, are peaceful places where life is good. The town of Sutton and the village of Abercorn are among them.
Peace and quiet after the adventure
While Sutton is a town of four thousand inhabitants, Abercorn is a village with ten times less. However, these territories have the same history. Both regions see their story begin at the end of the 18th century when the war was lost by the British and the loyalists from the United States began to flee to the Eastern Townships.
A page of history that can be summed up in a few sentences, but which in reality was very eventful. Between former soldiers, settlers, alcohol smuggling and brothel owners, the region has had its share of adventures. These adventures can be relived through the city’s heritage tours, but can also be felt through the architecture.
You can find homes that are more than a century old, a baker whose bread smells for miles, or visit the Boright and Safford store that is still standing 150 years after it was built and survived the great fire of 1898 that swept away thirty-five buildings at the time.
A life far from the gigantic shopping malls that leaves room for the quiet life and the development of small stores and restaurants to satisfy all desires.
The most artistic municipality in Quebec
Every summer for the past twenty years, Sutton has organized its Jazz Festival which promotes not only the musical style, but also Quebec artists. A region in which you will notice that artists of all disciplines like to settle.
Sutton has been declared the most artistic municipality in Quebec and the fifth in Canada by the firm Hill Stratégie. For good reason, 6% of Sutton’s population is made up of artists while the Canadian average is only 0.8%.
A community that continues to grow in Sutton and participates in more than twenty organizations that work for the cultural development of the town and its heritage.

The most artistic municipality in Quebec

Skiing, biking, witches’ pans and flying bikes
Skiing, biking, witches’ pans and flying bikes
The city attracts many skiers who wish to take advantage of the proximity of the Sutton Mountains and their respective altitudes of 950, 850 and 750 meters, a large part of which is part of the Montagnes-Vertes nature reserve.
The region attracts not only skiing enthusiasts, but also all those who wish to experience outdoor activities in breathtaking landscapes. Hiking, mountain/gravel and road biking, kayaking, golf, picnics with alpacas, flying bikes thirty meters above the ground in a forest of hundred-year-old maples at the Diable Vert or a dip in the natural pools of the Marmite aux Sorcières in the Parc d’environnement naturel de Sutton (PENS), there is no reason to be bored!
And if you’re not in the mood to work out and just want to relax, the vineyards of Domaine Bresee and Domaine du Ruisseau will allow you to do so perfectly surrounded by nature and with your eyes plunged into the glass!
In short, Sutton and Abercorn are locations where you can experience all the joys of the Quebec ecosystem without being far from civilization!
Life in a cottage as a daily routine
Sutton and Abercorn allow you to live two lifestyles simultaneously.
On the one hand, there is the tourist influx that disappears at the end of the high season. But settling in this area also allows you to live the cottage life every day of the year while enjoying a peaceful local life.
You can store in streets that have kept their old village look, stop by the microbrewery À l’Abordage to taste one of their famous craft beers in a country atmosphere and then go buy a delicious pie at the delicatessen that everyone has been talking about for more than twenty years, La Rumeur Affamée. A pie that you can enjoy as a dessert or as a four o’clock snack when the kids get home from school.
In short, a quiet life that is priceless! Everyday life, services to citizens. Indeed, Sutton has both lifestyles (cottage and local).
The Sutton area interests me
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